Welcome to Apartments.!

Apartments. is a story about reflecting on how much a relationship has developed. This is a game about friendship. George and John, once casual friends, have had their friendship challenged and developed because of a recent earthquake that was both challenging and developing. (This game isn’t about the earthquake.) And you have the opportunity to experience their friendship!

...are there dragons in this game? The answer is that there is not a dragon, nor any references to dragons. 

No dragon. Just a fun story about two friends.

I hope this little story is effective (affective?) and relatable! Questions? How long will this game take to finish? Well one way (some day) my left shift key busted! Huh? The player navigates through the lives of these two characters. 


  • Real specific lenses. 
  • Real intentional goals. 
  • Intentionally loopy.

This is my first game/my first attempt at making a Twine game! Music by Isaías Rogel. (They’re busy right now with grad school, so the music will come in a separate update.)


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